" The Cabbage " Won Audience Choice Award & Best Actor Award
A film by Jason Tan, Jaze Phua, Jerry Lim
Synopsis: An autistic boy's journey to the market made a new turn after bumping into a street ruffian.
Team: WriteShootRepeat
Title: The Cabbage
Genre: Fish out of Water
On Nov 28 - Nov30, 4 of us ( Team WriteShootRepeat) participated in 48 Hours Film Competition. The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild and sleepless weekend in which you and your team have a blast making a movie. All writing, shooting, editing and scoring must be completed in just 48 hours.
On Friday night, we are assigned a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre, that must be included in our film. 48 hours later we eventually presented our film and won ourselves The Audience Choice award & Best Actor Award. Love the team! Definitely a tiring yet exciting experience for us!
In 2014 the 48HFP will visit more than 120 cities where more than 60,000 people will make short films. The Project has truly spread to the four corners of the globe as filmmakers from Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas will compete to see who can make the best short film in a weekend.